URBANmission city: Family lov na agenta (Liestal)
Outdoorová únikovka v Liestale
Vži sa do úlohy tajného agenta a prekaz nebezpečné plány skorumpovaného štátneho úradníka! Zaži napínavú naháňačku a ochráň dôležité štátne tajomstvo. Staň sa hrdinom a zachráň budúcnosť krajiny.
Chceš ,,malú ochutnávku“, ešte predtým ako si rodinnú únikovú hru budeš môcť konečne zahrať? Pozri si trailer na escape game Lov na agenta v Liestale tu.
Outdoor únikovku Family Lov na agenta v Liestale hráš na tvojom vlastnom mobile alebo tablete bez prítomnosti personálu v starom meste Liestal.
Šifrovačka v Liestale sa začína na hlavnej stanici v Liestale a vedie cez staré mesto.
Celá úniková hra pre v Liestale sa odohráva vonku.
Rébusy v Liestale sú úplne odlišné od tých v Zurichu, Bazilej, Luzerne, Berne a Winterthure – takže si môžeš zahrať všetky lovy na agenta.
Price: CHF 20.00 per Person
You can order the URBANmission Family Agent Hunt in Liestal in the following languages:
Family Agent hunt 120′ in Liestal
Language: German
Details for the URBANmission Family Agent Hunt in Liestal:
- Location: Old Town Liestal, outdoor
- Starting point: Liestal main station
- Difficulty: 1/3
- Recommended age: 10 years and older with escape room experience
- Number of players: 2 to 24 (up to 20 persons optimal)
- Team size: 2 to 6 (up to 5 persons optimal)
- Number of teams: 1 to 4 teams at the same time
- Duel: possible (2 to 4 teams at the same time and against each other)
- Languages: EN and DE
- Duration: 2 hours
Important Info for Family Agent Hunt in Liestal:
- No date necessary: You can play the URBANmissions whenever you want.
- Print out two sheets: For the outdoor escape game Family Agent hunt in Liestal you need to print out one page in black and white.
- All information by email after ordering: You will receive the voucher code, the link for the sheets and all necessary information for the URBANmission: Family Agent hunt in Liestal in an email a few minutes after your order.
Requirements URBANmission App:
- A tablet is better: Smartphone or tablet with operating system iOS (from 11.0) or Android (from 7.0). A tablet is better, so you can all look at the screen better. However, it also works without problems with a smartphone.
- No internet: You don’t need an internet connection during the Family escape game in Liestal. Internet is only needed to download the app and the URBANmission.
- Turn on the location services: The location services must be switched on/allowed for the app.
- Battery full: Battery must be charged. Your smartphone or tablet will be in use during the entire URBANmission: Family Agent hunt in Liestal.
This is how the Family Outdoor Escape Game in Liestal works:
- Buy the URBANmission here on the website. A few minutes after ordering, you will receive an email with one or more voucher codes and all the necessary information for the URBANmission: Family Agent hunt in Liestal.
- One voucher code is valid for one smartphone/tablet and 2-3 players.
- Download the URBANmission app for free. On the smartphone/tablet you will play on: iOS-App | Android-App
- Download the URBANmission into the app.
- Go with your team to the starting point of the URBANmission.
- Read the first 3 pages of the escape game carefully!
- Only then start the mission. From then on, the countdown starts.