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URBANmission city:

Family: Lúpež storočia (Zurich)


Anonym dal polícii avízo o pripravovanej operácii – “Lúpež storočia” v Zurichu. Len ty a tvoj tím šikovných detektívov môžete prekaziť plány špičkovým zlodejom.Prijmite výzvu, vyriešte zložité rébusy, nájdite všetky stop a odhaľte identity zlodejov skôr, než bude neskoro. Budúcnosť mesta je vo vašich rukách! Ponorte sa do úlohy vyšetrovateľov už teraz a zažite adrenalínové chvíle z boja proti zločinu.

Chceš ,,malú ochutnávku“, ešte predtým ako si únikovú hru budeš môcť konečne zahrať? Pozri si trailer na indoor escape game Family Lúpež storočia v Zurichu tu.

Indoor únikovku  ,,Family Lúpež storočia“ v Zurichu hráš na tvojom vlastnom mobile alebo tablete bez prítomnosti personálu skrz hlavnú  stanicu v Zurichu.

Celá rodinná úniková hra URBANmission ,,Lúpež storočia“ sa odohráva vo vnútri hlavnej stanice v Zurichu.

Naša najľahšia misia; ale nie až tak to ľahká…!

Price: CHF 10.00 per person

You can order the URBANmission Family Robbery of the century in Zurich in the following languages:

Family Robbery of the century in Zurich

Language: English

Family Diebstahl aller Zeiten in Zürich

Language: German

Details for URBANmission Family Robbery in Zurich:

  • Location: Zurich main station and indoor
  • Starting point: Zurich main station
  • Difficulty: 1/3
  • Recommended age: 10 years and older
  • Number of players: 2 to 24
  • Team size: 2 to 6 (up to 5 people optimal)
  • Number of teams: 1 to 2 teams at the same time
  • Duel: possible (2 teams against each other)
  • Language: DE
  • Duration: 1 hour

    Important information for URBANmission Family Robbery in Zurich:

    • No date necessary:You can play the URBANmissions whenever you want.
    • All information by email after your order: You will receive the voucher code and all necessary information for the URBANmission: Family Robbery of the century in Zurich in an email a few minutes after your order.

    Requirements URBANmission App:

    • A tablet is better: Smartphone or tablet with operating system iOS (from 11.0) or Android (from 7.0). A tablet is better, so you can all look at the screen better. However, it also works without problems with a smartphone.
    • No internet: You don’t need an internet connection during the escape game in Zurich. Internet is only needed to download the app and the URBANmission.
    • Turn on the location services: The location services must be switched on/allowed for the app.
    • Battery full: Battery must be charged. Your smartphone or tablet will be in use during the entire URBANmission: Family Robbery of the century in Zurich.

    This is how the Indoor Escape Game in Zurich works:

    • Buy the URBANmission here on the website. A few minutes after ordering, you will receive an email with one or more voucher codes and all the necessary information for the URBANmission: Family Robbery of the century in Zurich.
    • One voucher code is valid for one smartphone/tablet and 2-3 players.
    • Download the URBANmission app for free. On the smartphone/tablet you will play on: iOS-App | Android-App
    • Download the URBANmission into the app.
    • Go with your team to the starting point of the URBANmission.
    • Read the first 3 pages of the escape game carefully!
    • Only then start the mission. From then on, the countdown starts.

    If you would like to see another escape game in Zurich, click here.

    If you would like to see another escape game in Switzerland, click here.

    If you would like to see another escape game in Europe, click here.