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URBANmission city: Dobrodružstvo so škriatkami – Skúška  (Winterthur)

Outdoor Escape Game in Winterthur

Vítame rodiny na prvej únikovej hre pre deti od 7 rokov vo Winterthure. Outdoorová misia “Dobrodružstvo so škriatkami – Skúška” je prvou hrou zo série “Dobrodružstvo so škriatkami”, ktoré boli špeciálne vyvinuté pre deti od 7 rokov.

Škriatkovia, ktorí žijú v starom meste Winterthur, majú v blízkej budúcnosti veľa plánov a potrebujú pomoc detí. Ale pozor: úlohy, ktoré musia škriatkovia splniť, nie sú vôbec jednoduché. Preto si pre deti pripravili malú skúšku.

Otestuj si svoje schopnosti a vstúp do tajomného sveta škriatkov! Len ten, kto vyrieši všetky hádanky škriatkov, môže dokázať, že je schopný zvládnuť veľké výzvy a môžu sa stať skutočnými pomocníkmi škriatkov. Si pripravený rozhodnúť o svojom osude? Vstúp do dobrodružstva už teraz a zaži čarovné chvíle plné vzrušenia a výziev!

Úniková hra ,,Dobrodružstvo so škriatkamii – Skúška je vhodná najmä na detskú narodeninovú oslavu. Súčasne sa môže hrať až 20 detí a 4 dospelí! Na oslavu môžete pozvať naozaj všetkých svojich priateľov!

Únikovú hru URBANmission ,,Dobrodružstvo so škriatkami – skúška” vo Winterthure si zahráš s vlastným smartfónom alebo tabletom a bez nášho perosnálu v starom meste.

Outdoor úniková hra vo Winterthure sa odohráva vonku.

Školy dostanú 10 % zľavu. Kontaktujte nás e-mailom, aby sme vám mohli poslať zľavový kód. Potom si hru sami objednáte online.

Price: CHF 15.00 per person

You can order the URBANmission Adventure with Elves – The Proof in Winterthur in the following variations:

Abenteuer mit Elfen – Die Probe in Winterthur

Sprache: Deutsch

Gebe bei der Bestellung bei der Personenenzahl an:

Anzahl Kinder + 1

Nur 1 Erwachsener pro Team wird verrechnet, egal, wie viele Erwachsene teilnehmen werden. 

Details for the URBANmission Adventure with Elves – The Proof in Winterthur:

  • Location: Old Town Winterthur, outdoor
  • Starting point: Neumarkt, 8400 Winterthur
  • Difficulty: 1/3
  • Recommended age: 7 to 10 years
  • Number of players: 2 to 24
  • Team size: 3-5 persons, at least one adult
  • Number of teams: 1 to 2 teams at the same time
  • Duel: possible (2 teams against each other)
  • Language: DE
  • Duration: depending on the age of the children approx. 90 to 120 minutes

Important Info for URBANmission Adventure with Elves – The Proof in Winterthur:

  • Print out two sheets: For the escape game Adventure with elves – The Proof in Winterthur you need to print out two pages in colour or black and white.
  • All information by email or post after ordering: You will receive the voucher code and all necessary information for the URBANmission Adventure with elves – The Proof in Winterthur in an email a few minutes after your order.

    Requirements URBANmission App:

    • A tablet is better: Smartphone or tablet with operating system iOS (from 11.0) or Android (from 7.0). A tablet is better, so you can all look at the screen better. However, it also works without problems with a smartphone.
    • No internet: You don’t need an internet connection during the escape game in Winterthur. Internet is only needed to download the app and the URBANmission.
    • Turn on the location services: The location services must be switched on/allowed for the app.
    • Battery full: Battery must be charged. Your smartphone or tablet will be in use during the entire URBANmission Adventure with elves – The Proof in Winterthur.

    This is how the Escape Game in Winterthur works:

    • Buy the URBANmission here on the website. A few minutes after ordering, you will receive an email with one or more voucher codes and all the necessary information for the URBANmission Adventure with elves – The Proof in Winterthur.
    • One voucher code is valid for one smartphone/tablet and 2-3 players.
    • Download the URBANmission app for free. On the smartphone/tablet you will play on: iOS-App | Android-App
    • Download the URBANmission into the app.
    • Go with your team to the starting point of the URBANmission.
    • Read the first 3 pages of the escape game carefully!
    • Only then start the mission. From then on, the countdown starts.

    If you would like to see another escape game in Winterthur, click here.

    If you would like to see another escape game in Switzerland, click here.

    If you would like to see another escape game in Europe, click here.